FW190D/TA152H Take-Off Propeller Torque & Some Bugs

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FW190D/TA152H Take-Off Propeller Torque & Some Bugs

Post by Redwulf__42 »

Please note that I'm getting excessive propeller torque to the left on take-off with about 75% throttle. I've tried it a number of times with tailwheel lock on and off (stick back and forward respectively). It seems worse with tailwheel lock on, which seems incorrect to me. I have to ride the ride the right break or accelerate very slowly to eliminate turning off the runway. This does not occur on your Anton series though they do have propeller torque as well. If this is historic then the Antons should have it too, shouldn't they?

Other bugs I noticed:
The Ta152H-0 has no engine sound (I got no error messages when I installed)
The Ta152H -0 & Ta152H-1 pitch trim gauge indicates in reverse though it does work.

Otherwise I love the planes. Does anyone fly online together on a server?

Sorry, I don't speak German.

Thanks for your help,

Mathias Pommerien
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Re: FW190D/TA152H Take-Off Propeller Torque & Some Bugs

Post by Mathias Pommerien »

Hello Redwulf,

good catch on the H-0 sound issue.
For a quick fix copy the sound.cfg from the H-1 over to the H-0 sound folder.
Other than that we'll issue a patch ASAP.

Nothing wrong with the torque.
The Dora and Ta152 have more hp and also considerably different moments of inertia due to the longer nose when compared to the Anton series.
Keep the rpm between 2800 - 3000 and use differential brakes until you gain rudder authority at about 120-150 kph before you give full throttle.
Mathias Pommerien (Classics Hangar)

Posts: 4
Joined: Mon 17. Feb 2014, 04:50

Re: FW190D/TA152H Take-Off Propeller Torque & Some Bugs

Post by Redwulf__42 »

Thanks Mathias.
Mathias Pommerien
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Posts: 2972
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Re: FW190D/TA152H Take-Off Propeller Torque & Some Bugs

Post by Mathias Pommerien »

The sound patch is now available.
Look here:
http://www.classics-hangar.de/phpBB3/vi ... f=19&t=750
Mathias Pommerien (Classics Hangar)

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