FW 190 Late Variants Oil Temp problem !!

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FW 190 Late Variants Oil Temp problem !!

Post by fdm79 »

Hello everybody...

I'm a proud owner of the early and late variants... And will keep buying planes from Classics Hangar no matter what... Just keep them comming

Well... The thing is... I've been flying the A-8 and A-9 with 1.2 patch and "Just Fly" utility on the Full Real mode installed.. I've been following the checklists, doing everything by the book but I don't know why it's really hard to control the oil temp... After I establish the cruise flight, no matter what I do, the oil temp keeps rising, cross the 90ºC and the engine completely stops. I have already opened cowl flaps, reduced power. controlled the propeller RPM manually, etc. Even flying at 30000 feet,190 KIAS, between 1.0 and 1.2 ATM with the OAT at -40Cº and cowl flaps 10% , 30% or 100% opened, the oil temp will exceed 90º C and stopping the engine ! :?

Does anyone know what mistake am I doing ??? Or is it a bug ???

I would appreciate any help... BTW... Happy New Year Everybody !! 8-)
Mathias Pommerien
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Re: FW 190 Late Variants Oil Temp problem !!

Post by Mathias Pommerien »

Hmm, you say you have "just fly" enabled and still get engine damage?
A-8 and A-9 you say?
Will have to check the code as that really shouldn't happen.
Give me a day please.
One question though, while installing "just fly", did you get some sort of error message?
Oh, and happy new year to you and everybody!

EDIT: Ah, ok, just fly mod applied but set to "full real".
That's actually the same as not using the utility at all as it will just restore the "default" failure code.
Again, give me a day to look into it.
Mathias Pommerien (Classics Hangar)

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Re: FW 190 Late Variants Oil Temp problem !!

Post by Mathias Pommerien »

Second though, you say "controlled engine rpm", what does that mean?
It's normally controlled automatically. If you try to do it manually and exceed 2500rpm for a certain period of time the engine will fail.
Is that the scenario?
Mathias Pommerien (Classics Hangar)

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Re: FW 190 Late Variants Oil Temp problem !!

Post by fdm79 »

Ok Mathias... First of all... Congratulations for all the incredible airplanes... I'll be a permanent costumer from you !

Let me explain it better... I've tested all the late variants but I only tested a "long cruise flight" with the A-8 and A-9... So it doesn't mean that this problem wouldn't happen with A-5, A-6, A-7 if you know what I mean !!! And, I have already installed patch 1.2 and "just fly" utillity set to "FULL REAL" And no, I don't get any error message installing it !!! So the problem is everything described on the previous post ! Everything I do to keep the temp under control doesn't work ! During the climb, I can keep the temp around 83ºC and 86ºC with the manifold pressure under the yellow mark and cowl flaps fully opened !! I've been trying to fly this navigation this morning (I'm from Brazil) from Salt Lake City to Aspen... full tank ! I always use REX real world weather and the temperature in Salt Lake is around -4º and -2ºC... (imagine then, at 30000 ft)...So it's VERY VERY unlike to have this temperature problem !!!

Thanks Again Mathias... Take all the time you need !!!!!! Nothing will make me love less this jewel from Classics Hangar !!! :D
Mathias Pommerien
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Re: FW 190 Late Variants Oil Temp problem !!

Post by Mathias Pommerien »

Third though: At 30.000 feet at 1.2 ata you would still run at 2700rpm with automatic rpm controll (due to critical altitude and related loss of MP. Throttle full open?),
That would kill the engine, too, after some time.
You should always have an eye on rpm, too.
You can exceed the rpm limits somewhat at high high altitude but you can't burn the engine forever on max rpm.
Yet, does that scenario match what you are seeing?
Mathias Pommerien (Classics Hangar)

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Re: FW 190 Late Variants Oil Temp problem !!

Post by fdm79 »

No... I've only tried to control the propeller RPM manually once... It was an attempt to solve the problem but no success... I always use the automatic Propeller RPM control.
And I never cross the red mark on the Manifold Pressure Gauge...
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Re: FW 190 Late Variants Oil Temp problem !!

Post by fdm79 »

Funny thing... yes, I use the throttle full open ! But I don't understand !!!

If we manage to set the RPM under 2500 using Automatic RPM control, the MP pressure would be really low, making it impossible to fly at 30000 ft !!!

What's the A-7, 8 and 9 flight ceiling ?
Mathias Pommerien
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Re: FW 190 Late Variants Oil Temp problem !!

Post by Mathias Pommerien »

There's a certain altitude unique to each piston engine where the combustion is at it's best.
Above that it will lose combustion due to thin air.
The Fw190's Kommandogerät makes up for it to a certain degree by keeping up the rpm, but that in return puts drain on the engine.
so you really have to watch both manifold pressure and rpm.
For cruise the best altitude with the Fw190 would be something around 4000-5000 meters since that's below the engine's critical altidute.
In real life the pilots cruised at or below 4000 meters for two reasons:
1. engine management.
2. to avoid the need for oxygen usage during cruise.
They would climb to combat altitude as the action was nearing.

When cruising at about 4000 meters, are you still experiencing overheat?
Mathias Pommerien (Classics Hangar)

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Re: FW 190 Late Variants Oil Temp problem !!

Post by fdm79 »

Ok... Let me try and I'll tell you right away...

Ahh... Another thing... What's the left yellow lever for ?? I mean, I know that in order to start the engine, I pull this lever just once, pump the fuel usually 12 times with the black fuel pump lever, open the throttle a little bit and start the engine.... Although this sequence doesn't work all the time... And I use the correct fuel pump switches sequence followed by the manual...

I am an Offshore Sikorsky S-76 helicopter copilot in real life and since the S-76 is full EFIS, I'm not used to the FW-190 !! LOL
Mathias Pommerien
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Re: FW 190 Late Variants Oil Temp problem !!

Post by Mathias Pommerien »

hehehe, 12 strokes may be two too much in some conditions :-)

The yellow lever brings the Kommandogerät into startup position.
Namely it sets mixture to rich and prop pitch to 25° startup position.
Mathias Pommerien (Classics Hangar)

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